Verb Agreement Examples

Verbs are one of the most important components of a sentence. They are the action words that tell us what the subject is doing. In order for a sentence to be grammatically correct, the verb must agree with the subject in number and person. This means that if the subject is singular, the verb must also be singular. If the subject is plural, the verb must also be plural. In this article, we will provide some verb agreement examples to help you better understand this important aspect of grammar.

Singular subject, singular verb agreement:

Example 1: The cat chases the mouse.

In this sentence, the subject “cat” is singular, so the verb “chases” is also singular.

Example 2: The teacher teaches math.

Here, “teacher” is the singular subject, and “teaches” is the singular verb.

Plural subject, plural verb agreement:

Example 1: The cats chase the mice.

In this sentence, the subject “cats” is plural, so the verb “chase” is also plural.

Example 2: The students learn new skills.

In this sentence, “students” is the plural subject, and “learn” is the plural verb.

Singular subject, plural verb agreement:

Example 1: The cat and the dog play together.

Here, the subject is singular, but it refers to two different animals. In this case, the verb “play” is plural.

Example 2: The team of scientists conduct research.

In this example, “team” is singular, but it refers to a group of people. The correct verb agreement is “conduct,” which is plural.

Plural subject, singular verb agreement:

Example 1: The news is bad.

In this sentence, “news” is a plural subject, but the verb agreement is singular because “news” is a singular noun.

Example 2: The majority rules.

Here, “majority” is a plural subject, but the verb agreement is singular because “majority” is a collective noun.

In conclusion, understanding verb agreement is essential for effective communication. By using these verb agreement examples, you can improve your writing and ensure that your sentences are grammatically correct. Remember to always match the subject and verb in number and person to create clear and concise sentences.

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