Eu Armenia Readmission Agreement

On November 23rd, 2020, the European Union and Armenia signed a readmission agreement that allows for the return of illegal immigrants. This agreement is a crucial step towards strengthening cooperation between the EU and Armenia on migration issues.

According to the agreement, Armenia has agreed to accept the return of its citizens who have entered the EU illegally. In return, the EU has agreed to provide support to Armenia in managing its borders, providing technical assistance, and increasing the capacity of its law enforcement agencies.

The EU-Armenia Readmission Agreement is an important step in the fight against illegal migration. It will help to deter illegal migration by ensuring that those who are caught attempting to enter the EU illegally can be returned to their home country. This will help to reduce the number of illegal immigrants in the EU, and it will also help to ensure that those who are in need of protection are able to receive it.

Aside from the benefits of curbing illegal immigration, the EU-Armenia Readmission Agreement will also help to improve the overall relationship between the EU and Armenia. By working together to manage migration, both parties will be able to build trust and strengthen their partnership.

In conclusion, the EU-Armenia Readmission Agreement is a significant development in the fight against illegal migration. It is an excellent example of the benefits of cooperation between countries and the importance of working together to address shared challenges. The agreement provides a framework for the EU and Armenia to work together on migration issues and lays the foundation for a stronger partnership in the future.

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